What happens after I place my order?
Once you have submitted your order we will send you a confirmation email which will have all the details of your DAZN For Business order.Once your order has been processed, you will get an email from our logistics supplier detailing your delivery date and address. If you need to change any of these details you can do so using the link in this email.
On the day of delivery you will get a notification from the courier confirming when your DAZN TV Device is being delivered. You will need to sign for the package so please ensure you or someone you trust is at the premises to do so.
How do I set up my DAZN TV Device?
Once you have your DAZN TV Device it is time to get it installed. Inside the box you’ll find a helpful Quick Start guide for installation.
Once the box is installed, you will need to sign in to DAZN For Business to link your account to your DAZN TV Device. Steps on how to do this can be found here .
Now your box is setup and you have signed in it’s time to sit back, relax and watch some of the best sporting events available.